Saturday, February 18, 2012

Raise public awareness about stray dogs are facing in Indonesia.

Over the years the Government has always used the excuse of rabies overcome by mass culling stray dog using strychnine poison. We should really urged the government to immediately change the policy of eliminating rabies by mass culling stray dog with poison because it is proven for years that the method is not effective but only cruelty. As we know that strychnine poisoning produces some of the most dramatic and painful symptoms of any known toxic reaction, it is time for the government to improve the animal rights and deal with the stray dog population in a humane way by strictly apply mandatory of mass vaccination programs and sterilization as well as educating the public about rabies so they will not easily scared or intimidated by the presence of dogs on the streets. The government must also strictly apply mandatory to the dog owners to spay/neuter their dogs and apply regulation of dog trading as an effort to pressure the dog population explosion. From many cases happened it is better for the government to learn, consult and cooperate with animal welfare groups that exist. 


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